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【Company Secretary】Differences Between Kabushiki-Kaisha (KK) and (Godo-Kaisha) GK

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ARK Outsourcing KK provides one-stop service mainly to Japanese branches or subsidiaries of foreign-based companies.
In this article, we will introduce the basic information about making English company documents such as articles of incorporation or meeting minutes in a dialogue style. The contents of this article are based on our discussions in the internal study group.

Ken (male):      
Ken is 22 years old. He has been with ARK for a year.
(Lately, he’s been enjoying his work.)
Emma (female):  
Emma is 34 years old. She is a mother of one child and a trainer at ARK.
(She plays futsal after work and stays healthy.)
George (male):   
George is 46 years old. He has been working hard to become a paralegal.
 (He wants to become an owner of the professional baseball team someday.)

George, you seem so happy these days. Is it because your favorite baseball team is doing well? 
Did you know that professional baseball teams in Japan are owned by major companies?
Many baseball fans join the shareholder’s meeting of the team’s parent company and even ask questions about the baseball. Japanese baseball fans are so enthusiastic!
Emma, you previously mentioned the difference between public and private companies.
How about GK (Godo-Kaisha)? Can GK be classified into public and private?
【Company Secretary】Public vs. Private Company | ARK Outsorcing KK (

I’ve heard that the shareholders’ attitude changes depending on the performance of the baseball team of the year. Can you believe that?
As I mentioned in the previous News, the difference between a private and a public company is whether the company can transfer its shares freely or not. Since GK does not issue shares, it cannot be classified into public and private. GK is a Japanese legal entity modeled on the limited liability company (LLC) in the US, so the ownership and the management are not separated.

Emma, you explained almost everything. Since GK does not issue shares, it cannot be listed on the Japanese stock market.

In this article, we mentioned “Differences Between Kabushiki-Kaisha (KK) and (Godo-Kaisha) GK.”

Please note that this article only introduces general outlines and does not include professional advice. So please make sure not to make any decisions without taking professional advice individually. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
