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【Company Secretary】Address of the Representative

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ARK Outsourcing KK provides one-stop service mainly to Japanese branches or subsidiaries of foreign-based companies.
In this article, we will introduce the basic information about making English company documents such as articles of incorporation or meeting minutes in a dialogue style. The contents of this article are based on our discussions in the internal study group.

Ken (male):      
Ken is 22 years old. He has been with ARK for a year.
(He‘s been listening to English radio programs for 15 minutes every day. He’s been practicing small habits.)

Emma (female):  
Emma is 34 years old. She is a mother of one child and a trainer at ARK.
(She’s been wondering what Christmas gift she should buy for her child.)

George (male):   
George is 46 years old. 
(He’s been challenging digital detox during Christmas holidays.)

I’ve been thinking about giving a Christmas present to the representative of my client to express my appreciation. In this season, I see Santa Clause running by bike on the street. Isn’t it a good chance to give a present to him? Also, isn’t it even better to hand it to him? Cause I know his address!

Do you know his address? Are you really close to him?

No. Ken got that information from the company registration.
Under Article 991-3 in the Companies Act, the information about the “name and address” of the company representative should be registered when establishing the company. Therefore, today, anybody can find the representative’s name and address on the company’s register. The name and address of the representative should be registered in case of notifying penalties due to default in registration or any possible lawsuits. 
However, according to the latest news, from the point of privacy protection, the government is considering that the representative’s name and address should not be publicly disclosed upon request if the efficient business transaction can be maintained, and that the procedure of any possible lawsuits can be secured.

In this article, we mentioned “Address of the Representative.” 
Please note that this article only introduces general outlines and does not include professional advice. So please make sure not to make any decisions without taking professional advice individually. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

(Reference / in Japanese)
Companies Act, Article 991-3
